Friday, May 1, 2009

it's all about me

Hah, I wasn't sure what to call this entry but I have some extra time so I thought I'd write a bit about my weight struggle!

I've been a vegetarian for a long time, and in the past few years I've gotten rather lazy with it--vegetarianism can be a very unhealthy thing if you don't eat the right foods. Between this and the fact that I formerly walked EVERYWHERE, and rarely walk now, I have packed on the pounds.

The reason why I often aspire to eat less calories than is generally recommended is two fold: one) I'd like to lose this weight as quickly as possible, but two) I am incredibly, and I do mean incredibly, lazy and I'd much rather eat less than work out more.

My issue with exercise is that it's all so boring...seriously, every class I've taken, everything I've done, I have been painfully bored with after about a week! Anyone have any tips on what to do about this?

Happy Friday lovelies!



  1. Omg I totally think working out is so boring too, and nothing the gym can offer helps one little bit.
    I have found going on walks or runs with someone else helps, it motivates you. Also I loved dancing and found taking dancing class is not only heaps of fun, you get the best work out.

  2. good luck, in whatever quest you are going on to loose weight, i'm a size 10, i wish i could loose weight :(
